This is my first attempt at blogging. Really what is the purpose of blogging? To share knowledge? To teach? To make you think? I hope to accomplish all three.
What is Shakespeare's attitude toward fate? This was the question my son had to answer in an essay after reading Macbeth. His summary was, “What comes around goes around.” Great summary, but not wordy enough for an essay. Macbeth; a whole book dedicated to the workings of fate. Back in the 16th century, anything unexplainable was the product of magic, spirits, or fate. Your actions today affect what happens to you tomorrow. A good lesson on how to live your life. I wonder what literary treasures Shakespeare would have written if he would have considered reincarnation? Could how you behaved in a past life affect your life now? Not that I’m saying I’m creating a literary treasure, but this is the question I am addressing in my novel entitled Renewed, Remembered, Returned. Stay tuned for excerpts from my novel, news about local reading events and more metaphysical contemplating!
February 2016
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